Newsletter 01/11

January 2011
Happy New Year!
In my December archived Newsletter I inaccurately reported that the end of the world was a year away. No, it’s two years away—December 21, 2012, the Winter Solstice. Coming up fast. Mark your calendar. You don’t want to miss this.
Meanwhile, I’m happy to announce that I will make an appearance at The Southwest Florida Reading Festival in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 19. I’ll be doing a presentation with bestselling author Ted Bell at 12:30 pm, followed by a booksigning, then a presentation with Scott Brick at 2:15 pm, followed by another booksigning. Scott, as you may know, is the narrator of many of my Audiobooks. For more information on this event, click here. Hope you can be there.
Also, I was invited to be the editor of the 2011 Mystery Writers of America Annual Anthology, titled The Rich and the Dead, to be published on May 2 by Grand Central Publishing. I’ve collected short stories from twenty of the most outstanding mystery writers in the country, myself included, and in my unbiased opinion, this is a superb collection of new and original stories. Pre-order it now online or through your bookstore. The proceeds support the Mystery Writers of America, a great organization that is dedicated to bringing you the finest mystery stories by the best writers in America, myself again included. I was honored to be president of the MWA in 2007 and I served a full year without incident or impeachment, so I like them. Check out their website.
My last novel, The Lion, continues to sell well in hardcover, thanks to you—unless you haven’t bought a copy yet, in which case, thanks for nothing. But you have a chance to purchase the trade paperback edition which will be published on June 7. All proceeds go to the Internal Revenue Service.
Also in June, three of my earlier novels—Mayday, Cathedral, and By the Rivers of Babylon—will be published in the trade paperback edition for the first time, with a Foreword by the author, me. The trade paperback is a nice format; larger than the mass market paperbacks and therefore easier to read, unless you don’t read English, in which case it doesn’t matter how big the type is.
And don’t forget, all of my novels are available as Audiobooks, eBooks, and in various print editions. Also don’t forget that Federal law makes it a crime to loan or borrow a book. In this country, you have the right to buy your own book, so exercise that right.
I’m currently working on my newest John Corey novel, which is still untitled. This is the book I mentioned where John and Kate are assigned to Yemen to investigate the USS Cole bombing. I’m scheduled to go to Yemen for research at the end of this month. A popular pastime in Yemen is kidnapping Westerners and holding them for ransom. So if you don’t hear from me for awhile, you’ll know why. The Nelson DeMille Ransom Fund will contact you. Be generous. I need to be back for my Florida booksigning.
In conclusion, I wish everyone a New Year of health, happiness, peace, and prosperity.
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