Newsletter 01/13

January 2013
Well, the world did not end on December 21, but the Mayans in the Yucatan were overrun with goofy tourists who arrived for the big day to find Mayans selling T-shirts that said, “I Survived The End Of The World.”
I’m happy to report that my latest novel, The Panther, is now in its Fifth printing. I am most grateful to everyone who has bought The Panther for themselves and for holiday gifts. The Internal Revenue Service, too, is grateful and we all know that our tax money is put to good use.
On another subject, I have a new short story called Rendezvous that was just released as a Kindle Single, which is a short story e-book. I think you’ll like Rendezvous, based loosely on my experiences in Vietnam. You can’t go too far wrong for a buck-ninety-nine. Also, see my Kindle Single titled The Book Case.
Also, try my short story titled
Death Benefits in e-book or audiobook; it’s part of the anthology titled
The Rich and the Dead. This is the story that I mentioned in a previous Newsletter and it’s about an author who plots to murder his agent. This story is also based on my personal experience. Just kidding.
I mentioned in my last Newsletter that I’d say something about my work in progress, but it’s not in progress, so I’ll hold off on that. But let me know if you’d like to see another John Corey novel, or a book featuring one of my other characters, or maybe a book with a totally new character. Shoot me an e-mail with your thoughts. Thanks.
Thanks, too, to all my readers who have e-mailed me through my website. I wish I could reply personally, but I’ve read over two thousand e-mails and they’re still coming in. Glad you all enjoyed The Panther — except for a few people who took offense at John Corey making fun of New Jersey, Kentucky, and Alabama. Not to mention making fun of just about everybody and everything. I don’t share Detective Corey’s views on most subjects, and I’ve spoken to him about his wisecracks, but he persists in his political incorrectness. He’s afraid that if I make him tone it down, he’ll become as dull and one dimensional as some other action/adventure heroes who will go unnamed here. He may be right.
My good friend, Linda Stasi, a staff writer for the New York Post, has a new novel coming out on January 22, titled The Sixth Station. I’ve read it and it’s terrific — gripping, suspenseful, and controversial. Pre-order it now, or look for it at your local bookstore on the 22nd. A really great read.
In conclusion, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy, and productive New Year. And thanks to the Mayan Historical Society who just sent me a new five-thousand-year calendar. FYI, this is Year One. Here we go again.
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