Newsletter 02/13

February 2013
In my January Newsletter I asked everyone, “. . . let me know if you’d like to see another John Corey novel, or a book featuring one of my other characters, or maybe a book with a totally new character.”
Sincere thanks to the hundreds of readers who responded. The consensus seems to be to stick with John Corey. Many people also urged me to write faster. That wasn’t the question, but I appreciate everyone wanting more DeMille books. My agent also wants me to write faster, as does my publisher, my wife, and the IRS.
So, due to popular demand, my next book will again feature John Corey, and as in The Panther, this story will be set in a dangerous country – Switzerland. Actually, it’s Afghanistan. But I’m doing the research in Switzerland. That works.
Meanwhile, I’m working closely with my movie agent to get the John Corey books made into a cable-TV series. On that subject, many people have written to me asking if the FX-TV series, The Americans, was based on my novel The Charm School. I haven’t seen The Americans yet, so I don’t know. But if you’ve seen one of the episodes and also read The Charm School, I’d be interested to know what you think.
On another subject, I have two Kindle Single short stories – Rendezvous and The Book Case – now available through Amazon. The Book Case features John Corey in his early years when John was an NYPD detective. Rendezvous features me (fictionalized) in my early years when I was an infantry officer in Vietnam. Hope you enjoy both stories. Also try my short story titled Death Benefits, available in eBook and AudioBook. All the proceeds from my short stories are split 50/50 between me and the IRS.
As I mentioned in my December Newsletter, I’m getting emails telling me that I made a few errors in The Panther, and by now I know it’s not Silver Springs, Maryland, it’s Silver Spring. Also, Dover Air Force base is in Delaware, not Maryland, and cream cheese would not be available in a kosher deli where meat is served. My readers are correct, and you can see all the corrections in the trade paperback edition of The Panther which will be published on August 6 and is available now for Pre-order.
And now a confession: I purposely make errors in my books to see if anyone is paying attention. LOL.
And finally, February 14 is Valentine’s Day, and what better gift can you give to your loved one than a copy of The Panther, a story of terrorism, murder, and treachery, filled with four-letter words . . . ? Well, maybe flowers would be better.
I’ll be back in March.
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