Newsletter 02/15

February 2015
I have just finished my novel and I am happily unemployed. There is a saying among writers: “I hate writing, but I love having written” and that’s how I feel now.
My new book was originally titled A Quiet End, which I announced here and which has appeared in print in other places, including and B& The new title is Radiant Angel—except in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth where they’re staying with A Quiet End.
What does Radiant Angel mean? Well, it’s a code name, used by various homeland security organizations to identify a nuclear security operation. In other words, a hunt for a nuclear device that might have been planted by terrorists, usually in an American city.
The book stars my continuing character of John Corey, but the female lead, John’s wife Kate Mayfield, is conspicuously absent from the book. Kate is in Washington on business, and John is in New York on monkey business. No, actually he’s in New York on government business. But what is Kate really doing in Washington?
You can read about all this in Chapter 2 of Radiant Angel.
Radiant Angel will be published on May 26 and is now available for pre-order through online retailers.
Four of my earlier John Corey novels will be reissued in trade paperback and oversize mass market: The Lion’s Game and The Lion on February 24, Night Fall on March 31, and Wild Fire on April 28. If you haven’t read these—or if you can’t remember if you’ve read them—please give them a try.
This summer, two of my much earlier novels, will be reissued in trade paperback and mass market paperback. Spencerville (July 28) and The Talbot Odyssey (August 25).
Spencerville was optioned by Paramount Pictures, and Ben Affleck was interested in playing the lead. That didn’t happen, but my son Alex, who is a screenwriter, is writing a new screenplay for Spencerville and we hope to get Hollywood interested again.
The Talbot Odyssey is a classic Cold War thriller and if you’re nostalgic for the Cold War and the 1980s, you’ll love this one.
If you’re following the news, you’ll have noticed that Yemen is in chaos and we’ve abandoned our embassy there. If you want to read a fictionalized account of what is happening in Yemen, read my novel The Panther, in which John Corey predicts half of what you’re seeing on the nightly news.
All my books are available through your online retailer and your favorite bookstore, and also available in eBook format, and most are available as Audio CD and downloads.
I will recommend a new book to you, The Global War on Morris, written by my friend Congressman Steve Israel. This is a very funny book that lampoons the global war on terror, which while not usually a funny subject becomes so in the hands of a Washington insider who has seen and heard it all. No one escapes Congressman Israel’s barbed pen and both Republicans and Democrats will take offense.
And finally, I highly recommend, The Mystery Writers of America Cookbook: Wickedly Good Meals and Desserts to Die For, edited by New York Times Bestselling Author Kate White.
This illustrated cookbook features more than 100 recipes from legendary mystery authors, including me. You won’t want to miss my recipe for pigs in the blanket. Publication date is March 24, and it can be pre-ordered now from your online bookseller. Other contributing authors include my pals Mary Higgins Clark, Lee Child, and Harlan Coben. All proceeds go to supporting The Mystery Writers of America. When I was president of MWA I proposed an annual bank heist to raise money, but the idea was turned down, so now we’re doing cookbooks. I know you’ll enjoy these great recipes.
Hope you enjoy the sample chapters of Radiant Angel, and if you do please click here to pre-order. This is one of the best John Corey novels and it makes a great Father’s Day gift, or a good gift to yourself. And as always, you have my permission to write a personal note in it and sign my name. See below for a copy of my signature.
I’ll be back in March with some updates on film and my next book, which is in the thinking stage.
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