Newsletter 05/14

May 2014
“April showers,” said my seven-year-old son, “bring May flowers.” He smiled and asked, “And what do May flowers bring?”
“No,” he replied, “allergies,” and he sneezed in my face.
Anyway, April also brought the publication of my book, The Panther, in paperback and I’m happy to report that it hit the bestseller lists.
On June 24, my book The Quest will be published in trade paperback, which is the large format edition. The Quest is a religious thriller, described as The Da Vinci Code meets Indiana Jones. Described by who? By me. You can read some of it by clicking here. Hope you enjoy it.
People often ask me what I read, and I usually reply that I only have time to read cereal boxes in the morning. The rest of the day I read emails. But I did read a very good book recently, titled Those Who Wish Me Dead by Michael Koryta. Michael sent me an advance reading copy of the book and asked if I’d supply a blurb which I was happy to do, and which I quote here:
“Absolutely breathtaking, nail-biting, and edge-of-your-seat. Michael Koryta is a master at maintaining suspense and a hell of a good writer. Those Who Wish Me Dead is one of the best chase-and-escape novels you’ll read this year — or any other year. The pace never lets up.“
Those Who Wish Me Dead will be published in June by Little, Brown and you can pre-order from your favorite eBook or online retailer, or from your bookstore — while you’re ordering your copy of The Panther or The Quest. All great summer reads and not to be missed.
Plum Island continues its slow but sure progress as a cable TV miniseries. It took me 16 months to write the book and it’s taken 17 years to get it this close to being made into a TV series. And they say that book publishing moves slowly. More on this when the carrier pigeon arrives from LA with an update. It must be the three-hour time difference between New York and California.
We are about to celebrate Memorial Day, which to a lot of people is just a three-day weekend. But for those of us who’ve served, we know it as a solemn day to honor the men and women who’ve given their lives for their country. So please take a moment on May 26 to remember them.
See you in June.
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