Newsletter 06/14

June 2014
First, I want to thank James Patterson for his incredible generosity to small independent bookstores. Jim has created a multi-million dollar fund, out of his own money, to award grants to Indies in need of financial assistance. So far he’s given away over a million dollars, with more to follow. These grants are lifesavers to struggling bookstores across the country, and maybe there’s a bookstore in your community that has benefited from James Patterson’s generosity. So thanks, Jim. You done good.
And let me take this opportunity to urge everyone to be an angel and support their independent neighborhood bookstore.
On to another subject, my novel, The Quest will be published in trade paperback on June 24. The Quest is a religious thriller, described (by me) as The Da Vinci Code meets Indiana Jones. You can read some of The Quest by clicking here. Hope you enjoy the sample chapters and buy the whole book. The Quest is great beach or pool reading.
As you know, my book Plum Island, featuring John Corey, is in development as a ten-part cable TV series. The series producer, Mace Neufeld, was in New York this month and we had a chance to discuss the series over dinner. Mace, as you may also know, produced The General’s Daughter movie based on my book of the same name. So, what’s the latest? Well, Aaron Eckhart is playing Hamlet by still trying to decide: to be or not to be John Corey. We expect an answer by the end of the month. Everything else is on track, including the script. I told Mace Neufeld if Eckhart bows out, I’m available.
My work-in-progress, titled A Quiet End, featuring John Corey, is coming along nicely. Publication is set for spring 2015 — about the same time that Plum Island will be aired, if all goes well.
My book before The Quest, The Panther, was published in paperback in April, and it continues to sell well, thanks to everyone who forgot they read it in hardcover. If you haven’t read it — or aren’t sure — this is a good time to buy the paperback, or download it as an eBook or an audiobook. The Panther will give you some insights into all the news coming out of the Mideast. Plus, it has a better ending than the news.
Have a happy and safe Fourth. And thank a serviceman or woman for our freedom.
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