Newsletter 06/15

June 2015
My new book, Radiant Angel, was published on Tuesday, May 26 and will debut at #1 on and Best Sellers lists. Early reports indicate that bookstores have been overwhelmed with demand, causing near riots as supplies dwindle. A national price club that sold out of offered disappointed customers a Cabbage Patch doll instead. Online retailers such as Amazon and B&N report that their warehouses have been almost cleaned out, and even eBook and audio download providers are unable to keep up with the demand.
Click here to read a preview of Radiant Angel and see what the whole country is talking about.
You can enter to win one of 3 copies of Radiant Angel here at my Newsletter Contest.
If you haven’t read any of my John Corey novels, this is the time to buy them all. In order of publication date, they are: Plum Island, The Lion’s Game, Night Fall, Wild Fire, The Lion, The Panther, and now Radiant Angel. If you can get it.
Important Announcement:
Yours truly has been chosen by the International Thriller Writers as ThrillerMaster of the Year. This recognition by the ITW is indeed an honor, and I will be at the annual dinner on July 11 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City to receive the award. Many thanks to my good friend Lee Child and to M.J. Rose for nominating me, and thanks to the Board of ITW for voting me ThrillerMaster of 2015. Former ITW ThrillerMaster Scott Turow will introduce me at the awards ceremony and he will say nice things about me. More on the event in the July Newsletter.
Also, next month on July 28, one of my earlier novels, Spencerville, will be reissued in trade paperback and mass market paperback. Spencerville has the dubious distinction of being my least read novel, so let’s all give it a boost and make poor Spencerville feel good by buying it now. You be the judge of whether or not this book deserves to be last in sales out of 19 DeMille novels. Almost tied with Spencerville for last place is The Talbot Odyssey which is being reissued on August 25.
Spencerville and Talbot Odyssey need your support.
By the time you read this, I will have begun my cross-country publicity tour. Click here for my scheduled appearances. Hope to see you at one of my events.
Remember, Sunday, June 21 is Father’s Day. Dad would love an autographed first edition of Radiant Angel. A copy of my signature is below. This will be worth millions someday.
Because of my cross-country tour, I won’t be able to get out another Newsletter until after the 4th of July. Have a safe and happy Independence Day!
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Stay tuned for the next contest.
Recent Contest Winners
Congratulations to David J. on winning my Newsletter contest!