Newsletter 07/10

July 2010
First, the good news: The Lion debuted at #1 on The New York Times bestseller list. Bad news: it was actually tied for #1 with Stieg Larsson’s, The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest.
I don’t mind sharing the top spot with another author, but Stieg Larsson didn’t even bother to promote his book. I’ve been breaking my back doing radio, TV, print interviews, and bookstore signings since The Lion was published on June 8. And Larsson has done absolutely nothing to help his publisher publicize his book.
To be fair, though, I should mention that Stieg Larsson is dead. Proving once again that some authors will do anything to get out of a book tour.
In any case, I want to thank everyone who bought or downloaded The Lion and put it at the top of the list.
The Lion continues to sell well, and if you got it or gave it for Father’s Day, it was the perfect gift, and if you bought it for yourself, go ahead and autograph it with my name and write something nice from me to you.
Also, don’t forget that the prequel to The Lion, The Lion’s Game has been reissued, and if you enjoyed The Lion, you will also enjoy The Lion’s Game. If you didn’t enjoy The Lion, then get in your Volvo or Saab and go buy The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest. See if I care.
Since the publication of The Lion, I’ve gotten thousands of emails through my website and I want to thank each and every one of you who’ve taken the time to write. Ninety-five percent of the letters were very positive, four percent were negative, and one percent were relatives asking for money.
On the positive side, one nice lady wrote, “ANOTHER REASON SOME PEOPLE MAY WANT TO BUY ”THE LION”. When you walk a dog or push a baby in a stroller people stop and talk to you. Well, if you read The Lion in a public place, the same thing happens – at the beach, on the train, waiting outside stores at the mall while my daughters shopped (of course, they called me in when it was time to pay) – wherever I was, I could not believe the number of people who had to speak with me. So if you want to read The Lion in peace, my advice is – stay home. On the other hand, if you want to meet lots of new people, just carry The Lion with you, even after you finish reading it. Anyway, thanks for another great read, although I do find it somewhat scary that I can read a story like this and laugh through the whole book. My only complaint is that, as always, it was over too soon. Regards, Susan F.”
So, if you want to meet new people…
I’ve gotten a lot of emails from our servicemen and women overseas, and I thank them, not only for their letters, but for their service to our country. Safe home.
I wish I could answer all your letters, but my publicity and writing schedule takes most of my time, though as I said, I do read every letter I get and answer when I can.
Meanwhile, I wish everyone a happy and healthy summer, and please carry around a copy of The Lion. You never know who you’ll meet. Right, Susan?
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