Newsletter 09/15

September 2015
Labor Day has come and gone and summer is officially over, though it really ends on September 23, which is the first day of autumn. Except in the Southern Hemisphere where September 23 is the first day of spring, and according to the Mayan calendar, the world will end. But if it doesn’t, September is a nice month.
My last book is titled Radiant Angel. Except in the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth where it is titled A Quiet End. Same book, as I said in my May Newsletter and I apologize to those who bought both titles (which have different covers) thinking they were getting two different books. Publishers around the world often change the title of a book and the cover to suit their markets. For instance, my book The Gold Coast in Germany was called In der Kalte der Nacht meaning, In the Cold of the Night. Why? I don’t know. And did you know that the title of Albert Camus’ L’Entranger has been translated into English as The Stranger, The Bystander, and The Outsider? I bought them all, so I know. But again, sorry for the confusion, over which I had no control. I’m sure your online retailer or bookstore will give you a full refund, probably in British pounds.
My good pal Lisa Scottoline had a new book out in April titled Every Fifteen Minutes (in Italian it’s called Whenever) which I’m now reading and loving. The Library Journal said of this book, “In a nail-biting stand-alone with two heart-pounding climaxes and several pulse-racing twists, Scottoline grabs her readers by the jugular and won’t let go.” I agree. A great spring read in April or September.
Several people have asked me about the Corey books as a TV series. Well, that’s on hold at the moment, but a new screenplay (by my son) of Plum Island, has possibly revived the project. More on this when I hear.
In my August Newsletter I promised to reveal what my next book will be about. Well, I’m not sure, but I know where it will be set. Here are two clues: Michael Corleone paid a brief visit there in 1958; you will soon be able to buy cigars from this country. Okay? Got it? More on this in my October Newsletter.
Also, I’ve gotten some complaints about what happens to John Corey and his wife Kate Mayfield in Radiant Angel. Without spoiling the ending, I’ll also say that a lot of readers liked what happened. Kate had her fans, but a lot of people, especially women, didn’t care for Kate and they wanted John for themselves. Let me know what you think.
I’m doing a talk and book signing on September 25 at a small independent bookstore off Seventh Avenue in Manhattan. I’d give you the name and address of the bookstore, but I’m hearing from various sources that the police are issuing traffic advisories for the area, urging people to either take public transportation or to avoid the area of Seventh Avenue from 30th Street to 40th Street. I always get large crowds at my book signings, but crowds of this size with a large police presence are unusual, even for me.
To complicate the traffic congestion and crowd control problem, the Pope is appearing in the same area at the same time at Madison Square Garden. His people should have picked another day when he wouldn’t be competing with my book signing. I hope that despite my public appearance a few blocks away that His Holiness draws a good crowd. He deserves it.
On that note, let me take this opportunity to wish my Jewish friends and the Jewish branch of my family a very happy Rosh Hashanah, and a blessed Yom Kippur.
See you in October.
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