Newsletter 10/12

October 2012
Publication Day for The Panther is tomorrow, Tuesday, October 16. In my
last Newsletter I said I’d tell you why all hardcover books are published on a Tuesday. There are actually two reasons: One is that the New York Times Bestseller List is calculated on sales beginning on Tuesday, so publishers want a full seven days of reported sales. The other reason is more traditional: the Bible was published on a Tuesday, and publishers have been observing this tradition ever since. So now you know.
As I said in my last Newsletter, I believe The Panther is one of my strongest John Corey books. As it turns out, I was right. Pre-publication reviews from trade magazines and online industry newsletters all agree that this is a very strong book. But you can judge for yourself by buying it. If you’d like to see it before you buy, click here.
The Panther will be available as an eBook, and a Hachette audio CD, and also as an audio download, plus, of course, a hardcover. All formats will be available tomorrow, Tuesday, October 16. If you’re like me, you like to read a hardcover book while also reading it as an eBook and listening to it on audio. It’s an intense experience.
I’m also making a few live appearances and my publicity schedule can be found by clicking here. You’ll see that I’ve scheduled nothing after December 21. And you know why.
When I have a new book out, I get an avalanche of snail mail and also email through my website, and again I assure everyone that I read each and every letter, though unfortunately I can’t reply to everyone. But I do appreciate hearing from you and I’d like to know what you think of The Panther. You can also post your comments on, B&,, and other online sites, and of course on Twitter and Facebook.
By now you’ve had enough political ads and talking heads on TV. You’ve kept yourself informed as a good citizen and you’ve made up your mind. So now you’ve earned a break. Shut off the TV and turn off the radio and open a good book, or pop the audio in your car radio. And on Election Day if your presidential candidate doesn’t win, it’s not the end of the world. That happens on December 21.
I sincerely hope you enjoy The Panther and I look forward to hearing from you. All letters and emails must be postmarked or dated before December 21. Right?
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