Newsletter 12/13

December 2013
My latest novel, The Quest, has a nice Christmas scene, set in Rome, making it a great holiday gift. And what could be better than an autographed book for Christmas or the New Year? The best and fastest way to get The Quest (or any of my books) autographed is to just sign my name. Who’s gonna know? I mean, you sign Santa’s name on gift tags for your kids. Right? Same thing.
My seven-year-old is into Elf on the Shelf, and if you know about this, you know that you’re supposed to move this stupid stuffed elf to a different location every night after the kid goes to bed. Why? Because the elf flies back to the North Pole every night and tells Santa if the kid has been naughty or nice that day, then flies back to your house and sits on a different shelf or someplace and watches the kid. I think this is creepy. No one likes a rat fink, but the kids seem to love it. It’s like Big Brother watching you all day. Like the Thought Police. Some nights I feel like putting the elf in the toaster oven. The people who invented this are making a fortune. Wish I’d thought of it.
Anyway, it’s that time of year again, when I switch from Scotch to Bourbon Manhattans with a maraschino cherry. Try it. Gives you a nice holiday glow.
On a more serious note, this is the time to remember Christmases past, and remember those who are no longer with us. The holiday season can be very stressful, but we remember the good things, the coming together of friends and family, and the promise of Christmas: peace on earth, good will toward men.
And this is a time to remember the men and women in our armed forces who are serving all over the world, away from home and loved ones.
May you all have a children’s Christmas of joy and wonder, and may you look forward to a New Year of peace, health, and happiness.
I leave you with one of my favorite quotes, from King George VI in his Christmas message to the British people during the darkest days of World War II:
‘I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied, “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’”
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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