Newsletter 12/14

December 2014
I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.
As I mentioned in my November Newsletter, I’ve basically completed my next novel, A Quiet End, featuring John Corey. I’ll put the finishing touches on it this month, then back to work in January on my next novel, which is in the thinking stage as of now. Also in January you can read the first chapter of A Quiet End on my website. Hope you enjoy it.
A Quiet End is scheduled for publication in May 2015, in time for Memorial Day, Father’s Day, graduation, beach reading, or whatever occasion prompts you to buy a book for yourself or others.
As I also mentioned in my November Newsletter, the paperback edition of my most recent book, The Quest, will come out December 16. The Quest is a religious thriller and some of it is set during Christmas, so it will make a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer. As always, you have permission to personally inscribe any of my books to yourself or to others and sign my name. Say something nice.
I have an eight-year-old son who may or may not still believe in Santa. He’s not saying, but he’s written his letter to the North Pole and given us one more time to see Christmas through his innocent eyes.
Have a merry and blessed Christmas, and a happy and healthy Hanukkah. And please keep our men and women in uniform in your thoughts and prayers over this holiday season.
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