November 2023

November 2023
My newest book, Blood Lines, which I coauthored with my son Alex, debuted on The New York Times Combined Best Sellers List at #2. Alex and I thank everyone who bought the book, and all those who gave it a good review on various online formats. If you haven’t gotten it yet, please click here, and it will be delivered to you in time for the Holidays. Also, it makes a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift. Order several.
If you’d like to know what Blood Lines is about, take a look on my website page. And/or go to Alex’s website here. Also, I’ve posted the first two chapters of Blood Lines on my website here. Hope you enjoy them.
My book tour with Alex went well, and we had enthusiastic crowds wherever we went. Thanks to all who came out to hear our talk and get their books signed. It’s always good to get on the road and meet our readers. Also, thanks to everyone who attended the events and thanks to the bookstores for their continued support. And special thanks to Lisa Malamud at Books & Books in Miami, who volunteered to introduce us.
At my signing at Barnes & Noble in The Villages in Florida, an old Army buddy, Jerry Frease, showed up with his wife Kim. Jerry was in my platoon in Vietnam and he said to my son, “Your father was a good officer,” which was very nice to hear. He added, “But he took risks.” Well, maybe, but we both lived to tell about it. Welcome home, Jerry.
Now that the screenwriters strike is over, there is more news and activity coming out of movie land and TV land. I’m happy to announce that I’ve just signed a deal with Sony TV for the John Corey series. If this sounds like déjà vu, it’s because this is the second Corey deal I’ve signed with Sony. The first time around the screenplay that was written for a pilot episode was less than brilliant and the project was scrapped. Hopefully, now that the screenwriters are being better compensated, they will become better screenwriters.
In my September Newsletter, I recommended reading The Picnic by Matthew Longo. The book was published November 7 to great reviews, and if you’re interested in Cold War history, The Picnic is one of the best on the subject.
November 11 was Veterans Day, and every year I get together with friends who’ve served, to have drinks and dinner, and to toast “those who are absent.” Thanks to all who served and are now serving.
And finally, that most American of holidays, Thanksgiving, is just around the corner, and I want to wish each of you a happy, healthy, and safe Thanksgiving weekend.
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