October 2023

October 2023
In my last Newsletter, I suggested that people should not loan or give away books that they’ve bought and read and that they should burn them to avoid passing on germs. Well, about 99% of my readers who responded to this got the joke. It’s the other one percent who worries me. I mean, I got some nasty emails about book burning, saving the environment, and also asking if I wanted to burn libraries. For the record, I don’t. In fact, I always include libraries on my book tour. Also for the record, I think it’s great that people share books that they’ve enjoyed. My modest proposal, like Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal (to raise children to be sold and eaten) was tongue-in-cheek. Like, a joke. Sorry if a few of my readers took it seriously. I really need to go to that sensitivity class.
On a related subject, my new book, Blood Lines, coauthored with my son Alex, will be out on October 10. No need to buy it, it’s available at all libraries. If you do buy it, pass it on to a friend. Or donate it to a hospital.
Also, you can read the first two chapters for free by clicking here. Maybe I’ll post the whole book online.
That was a joke!
Hope you enjoy Blood Lines.
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