Newsletter 05/15

May 2015
Today is May Day, a holiday in some countries, sort of like Labor Day in the U.S. Mayday is also the name of my airline disaster novel, co-authored with my childhood friend, Thomas Block, a retired U.S. Airways captain. To celebrate this holiday, take a day off from work and buy Mayday. The New York Times called it, “Fascinating and furiously paced…unrelenting suspense…a novel for the true connoisseur of disaster novels.”
What more could you want? Perfect for the beach, but maybe not so good for the airplane.
AND NOW FOR AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: My new book, titled Radiant Angel, will come out on Tuesday, May 26. Depending on where you live, you might be hearing the sound of forests being felled to make paper for the millions of copies that are being printed as you read this. Even with that effort, there may not be enough books to satisfy demand. Pre-order now!
Fortunately, Radiant Angel is also available as an AudioBook and eBook if you want to go green.
FYI, Radiant Angel is being published simultaneously in the U.K. and Commonwealth countries where it is titled A Quiet End. Same book, except the U.K. edition has a different cover and it’s longer because they use U’s where we don’t, like labour, colour, honour, and so forth. Fourth?
As I mentioned, I’ll be on a publicity tour after publication date and you can check my website to see if I’ll be in your neck of the woods — if there are any woods left! I hope to see you at one of my book signings.
Radiant Angel won’t be out in time for Mother’s Day, but you can give your mom an I.O.U., something like, “Dear Mom, my Radiant Angel, I.O.U. Nelson DeMille’s latest book, Radiant Angel, coming soon.”
The book is actually about nuclear terrorism, but…well, John Corey mentions his mother in the book. All moms will love it. You can read the first two chapters here.
And don’t forget Dad on Sunday, June 21. By then you’ll have bought Radiant Angel, and have read it yourself. Now wrap it up for Dad. Don’t spill coffee on it. And don’t forget to make it an autographed copy by signing my name. Sample signature below. Easy to forge.
My friend Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY) has invited me to address the Congressional Writers Caucus on Wednesday, May 20 in Washington D.C. where I will speak to a bipartisan group of about twenty members of the House of Representatives, all of whom are either published or aspiring writers.
Among the congressmen in attendance will be my good friend Peter King (R-NY) who has published a number of novels. Between Pete and I we’ve sold over forty million books.
Steve Israel has written a debut novel titled, The Global War on Morris which was published on December 30 last year. Both congressmen are excellent wordsmiths, and I urge you to look them up on Amazon or B&N, buy their books and put them in a higher tax bracket.
To my friends like Steve and Pete who write part time, I always advise, “Don’t give up the day job.” And to my friends who want to be writers, I advise, “Take two aspirins, lie down in a dark room and wait for the feeling to pass.”
On a more serious note, Monday, May 25 is Memorial Day, a day when we remember our war dead. The meaning of this day has been somewhat obscured over the years, but for those of us who served and those who have lost a loved one in uniform, this remains a solemn day of rememberance. So to those men with whom I served and who did not come home, I want to say, “You are remembered every day.” And for those of us who did come home, every day is a gift.
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