Newsletter 10/15

October 2015
It is October already, and here in New York there’s a chill in the air. This is when I switch from vodka to scotch, and sit in front of the fireplace burning political campaign mail.
As I hinted in my September Newsletter, my next book is set in Cuba, and I am headed to Havana at the end of this month for research and inspiration.
I’ve traveled all over the world to do (tax deductible) research on my books, and this is the most interesting part of this otherwise deskbound job. I managed to get into trouble in Soviet-era Moscow researching The Charm School, and Communist-controlled Vietnam researching Up Country, and I see no reason why I won’t do the same in Castro’s Cuba.
I have a great T-shirt, given to me by a Cuban friend, that shows the pre-revolution Cuban flag and the words, “Cuba Si — Castro No,” which I’ll wear in Havana. Maybe under my polo shirt.
Hopefully you’ll hear from me in my November Newsletter — or read about me in the papers.
My son’s screenplay for Plum Island is still making the rounds in Hollywood and New York, and there are good indicators that at least two cable networks are interested. Also, a few major actors — who are fans of the John Corey series — have expressed interest. More when I hear.
October 12 was Columbus Day, and it was also Thanksgiving Day in Canada as my Canadian relatives reminded me. Also, October 12 is celebrated in Mexico as Day of the Race. I’m not sure what that is, but it could be fun if it involves Tequila. Let’s think about how to combine all three holidays in the U.S. Maybe we can have three Canada geese, named Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, having a swimming race in a tub of margaritas. Loser gets eaten.
And, of course, October 31 is Halloween, one of my favorite holidays. My nine-year-old wants to dress as an IRS agent to scare daddy. Funny kid.
Back to business: my nine reissued and rejacketed books: By the Rivers of Babylon, Cathedral, The Talbot Odyssey, Spencerville, Plum Island, The Lion’s Game, Night Fall, Wild Fire, and The Lion, have been selling very well and I thank you for buying them. Or, if you borrowed them from a friend or from the library, well, that’s okay, too. Your local bookstore will survive, and so will the publishing industry. And don’t give a second thought to all those men and women who work in paper mills, printing plants, ink production or shipping. They’ll be fine. Just go ahead and keep borrowing books. Not a problem. We’ll all be okay.
Also, my novel Cathedral will be reissued at the end of October. This was a huge bestseller when it was published in 1981 and the story of the Irish Republican Army seizing St. Patrick’s Cathedral during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is still riveting. All royalties from Cathedral go to the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Restoration Fund, and I go to heaven.
Well, that’s it for October. Hope you have a great Halloween, and hope your Columbus Day, Canadian Thanksgiving, and Day at the Race, was wonderful. Send me pictures.
See you, I hope, in November.
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