Newsletter 10/16

October 2016
First, thanks to the thousands of people who’ve emailed me to compliment my new website. I can’t take credit for designing it, but I did pay for it.
Thanks, too, for your suggestions for improving the website, which were helpful. We’re still tweaking it, adding videos and other sections which we hope are informative and entertaining. Please check out my website for updates and additions.
And now for a commercial message: On Tuesday, September 27, the mass market paperback edition of my most recent novel, Radiant Angel, was released. Radiant Angel is also available in hardcover, trade paperback, audio and, of course, eBook. Please buy this book – my publisher needs the money.
So here it is October and there’s a chill in the air here in the Northeast, and soon there’ll be frost on the pumpkins and ice in my scotch as I switch from beer to Dewar’s and soda. No pumpkin lattes for me. My stomach turns just thinking about that.
On another note, let me take this opportunity to wish my Jewish friends and readers and the Jewish side of my family a blessed Yom Kippur.
Also, for my paisanos, Happy Columbus Day. We know that Columbus Day is no longer politically correct, but not much of history is.
And finally, Happy Halloween – my ten-year-old’s favorite holiday after Christmas. The most frightening thing about Halloween is the price of the costumes. When I was ten, we used to make our own – now they’re made by Gucci. Have a safe and fun day.
Another commercial message: I was asked to contribute a recipe for a book titled The Artists’ and Writers’ Cookbook: A Collection of Stories with Recipes. The editor of this book, Natalie Eve Garrett, is a friend of my daughter’s, a very nice lady, and very talented, so I said yes – even though I don’t have a recipe for anything except scotch and soda. But I did remember an old Army recipe for Spam & Beans and you’ll find it in this excellent cookbook – along with much better recipes – which will be published, October 11. You’ll love this book and it makes an excellent hostess gift.
I’ve decided to give away one signed copy of Natalie’s book for my latest Newsletter contest beginning October 11 through October 31. One winner will be randomly selected from anyone who signs up for my Newsletter. If you are already signed up, then you are entered to win. Good luck. And congratulations to Tom from Hamilton, Ohio for winning our September contest of the complete DeMille collection.
On a completely different topic, my good friend Deana Martin (daughter of Dean) has just released a new album called Swing Street, which I’ve listened to and loved. This beautiful lady has a beautiful voice and she’s chosen some of the best classics to include in her new album. I’m still humming her rendition of “That’s Life” as I write this. For more information, please visit her website.
I’m still hard at work on my Cuba book. I’ll post the first chapter or two on my website soon, and I hope you’ll agree with me that it’s worth the wait.
That’s it for October. See you in November. Don’t forget to vote on November 8, and remember in a democracy we get the government we deserve.
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