Newsletter 11/12

November 2012
Well, as you’ve seen on TV, or as you’ve experienced firsthand, Hurricane Sandy hit hard in this area on October 29, followed by a Nor’easter. On Long Island where I live we experienced devastating winds and tidal surges, and there’s widespread destruction and some loss of life. I won’t get into the details — you’ve seen and read about it — but I can say everyone in my community is pulling together, helping their neighbors and coping well with the loss of electric power and gasoline shortages. Learn more on how you can help at The Red Cross.
I almost don’t want to report some personal good news, but I’ll tell you that my new book, The Panther, debuted at Number One on the New York Times Best Seller list of Sunday, November 4. I should be celebrating, but this is not the time or place to do that.
I thank everyone who has written and called to see if I and my family were all right — and, yes, we all came through this without harm, though like most people we had some house damage.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all my friends, family, and neighbors who suffered damage or injury. We’ve been through storms and hurricanes before — though nothing as destructive as
this — and most of us will rebuild and get back to our normal lives as we’ve always done. For those whose homes were a total loss, or for those who lost friends and family, nothing will be the same again. But life goes on and with the help of those close to us we’ll get through this.
I want to also thank the men and women who were first responders during this crisis; police, fire fighters, EMT workers, and other professionals; they were truly heroic and in many cases they made the difference between life and death.
The good thing that came out of this disaster was and will remain the stories of heroism during the storm and the thousands of stories of friends and neighbors who helped others in the aftermath.
And finally, I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. And special thanks to the men and women in uniform — military and non-military — who keep us safe in war and peace. Their sacrifices and devotion to duty are what makes our way of life possible.
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