Newsletter 08/15

August 2015
Well, here it is August already and the summer seems to be flying by. But we all say that every summer. Except in Australia and New Zealand where they say, “Well, here it is August already and the winter seems to be flying by.”
Anyway, I didn’t send a July Newsletter so if you got one it wasn’t from me. Check the signature.
Radiant Angel, as I may have mentioned in June, debuted at #1 on The New York Times and USA Today Best Sellers lists, and I want to thank everyone for buying the book and for all your very kind emails.
If you haven’t yet read Radiant Angel, you can click here for a couple of free chapters and see if you’d like to buy the #1 bestselling book in America, or if you’d rather sit alone in a corner at your next family gathering or cocktail party while everyone else discusses Radiant Angel. The choice is yours.
As I mentioned in June, I was chosen by the International Thriller Writers as ThrillerMaster of the Year. ThrillerFest was held at the Grand Hyatt in New York City, and I had the pleasure of reconnecting with a lot of old friends and meeting new and upcoming writers from all over the U.S., Canada, and Europe. My pal Scott Turow, last year’s ThrillerMaster, introduced me and I gave a wonderful acceptance speech, then walked off the stage and forgot my award. But someone found Scott with the award under his coat, then found me in the bar and gave it back to me. I’ve posted some pics on my social media pages.
On August 25, one of my earlier books, The Talbot Odyssey, will be reissued in mass market and trade paperback. Talbot is a Cold War thriller, and with a new Cold War brewing it’s an interesting look back in time. In fact, it’s almost a prequel to Radiant Angel and/or Wild Fire. Hope you enjoy it.
Also as I mentioned, Spencerville was reissued in July. My son, who is a screenwriter, is currently developing a feature-length screenplay for Spencerville which my agents will send to Hollywood in September. So if you haven’t read this book, get a copy and let me know your thoughts on it as a book and also as you envision it as a movie.
My cross-country publicity tour for Radiant Angel was a big success with huge crowds at all the airports to see me off, and to welcome me when I landed. Amazingly, hundreds of these people followed me on to my flights. Thanks to all of you for being there.
Thanks, too, to all the fans who came to my talks and book signings. Hope you had a good experience. And thanks to all the library directors, bookstore owners, managers and staff who made me feel so welcome. And special thanks to all the media escorts who met me at the airports and kept me on schedule during my time in their cities.
One of my stops on my tour was Dallas and while there I drove out to Fort Hood to do a book signing at the Post Exchange. Fort Hood is the home of the First Cavalry Division, my unit in Vietnam, so though I’d never been stationed at Hood, it was sort of a homecoming for me. The men and women who serve at Fort Hood and the PX staff were terrific, and I thanked them all for their service to our country.
Well, it’s good to be back home, enjoying the fruits of my labors and reading my press clippings, reviews, and fan mail. Now I take a short break and begin my next book. More about that in my September Newsletter.
My last public appearance for Radiant Angel will be on August 8 at the annual East Hampton Library Authors Night, held in East Hampton on Long Island. I and a hundred other authors will be signing their books under a big tent where wine and food will be served and you can mingle with the rich and famous. All proceeds go to the richest library in America. But seriously, we all need to support our public libraries and this is the premier author event of the summer in the Hamptons. Worth a trip from anywhere. To find me at my signing table, look for the long line.
Labor Day is approaching, which is the official end of summer (which is actually September 21, except in the southern hemisphere), and I hope you’ve had some great summer reading at the beach, pool, or backyard, sitting under the radiant sun as it angles across the angel-filled sky. Get it?
See you in September.
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